Insurans Kesihatan di Malaysia (2023)

Insurans Kesihatan di Malaysia (2023)

Insurans Kesihatan

insurans kesihatan

Apakah itu Insurans Kesihatan?

Insurans Kesihatan ialah insurans yang biasanya bertujuan untuk menampung perbelanjaan rawatan perubatan swasta, termasuk perkhidmatan kemasukan ke hospital dan penjagaan kesihatan. Ia juga merupakan insurans yang memberikan perlindungan kepada anda jika anda didapati mempunyai penyakit yang dilindungi atau pernah mengalami kemalangan.

Ia adalah perjanjian undang-undang antara pemegang polisi dan pembekal insurans yang membayar kos perubatan yang berpotensi. Bayaran premium perlu dibuat kepada pembekal insurans supaya mereka akan menampung sebahagian atau semua kos perubatan anda semasa kecederaan, sakit atau kemalangan.

Mengapa Saya Harus Mempunyai Insurans Kesihatan di Malaysia?

Insurans Kesihatan adalah penting untuk beberapa sebab dan ia akan diterangkan dalam bahagian ini secara terperinci.

1. Mencapai Ketenangan Fikiran

Terdapat banyak perkara untuk kita bimbang tentang hidup di dunia ini. Apabila anda mempunyai insurans kesihatan, ia tidak akan mengganggu ketenteraman hidup anda kerana anda tahu anda mempunyai bantuan dari insurans kesihatan! Anda tidak perlu risau tentang perkara seperti berapa kos sesuatu atau tempat yang anda mampu untuk pergi dengan kewujudan insurans kesihatan. Insurans kesihatan boleh melindungi anda dengan mudah sekiranya berlaku kecemasan.

2. Kos Perubatan yang Meningkat

Dengan ekonomi yang tidak stabil dan kenaikan harga untuk keperluan asas kehidupan, kos perubatan semakin meningkat setiap tahun. Akibatnya, pelanggan yang mengalami kecemasan perubatan akhirnya perlu menggunakan simpanan mereka.

Ini memberi kesan kepada rancangan masa depan mereka. Insurans kesihatan pastinya berguna untuk membantu anda mengatasi situasi seperti ini.

3. Nikmati Faedah Tambahan

Setiap penyedia insurans kesihatan akan memberikan anda beberapa faedah penting. Antaranya termasuk diskaun untuk keluarga, perlindungan untuk keadaan sedia ada, pengebilan terus untuk rawatan pesakit dalam dan luar tanpa bayaran tunai dan ansuran.

Apakah Yang Akan Ditanggung oleh Insurans Kesihatan di Malaysia?

Insurans kesihatan di Malaysia akan menanggung anda apabila anda memerlukan kemasukan hospital dan pembedahan, mengalami sakit kritikal, hilang upaya pendapatan dan pendapatan hospital.

Apakah Perbezaan antara Insurans Kesihatan dan Insurans Hayat?

Insurans Hayat menyediakan manfaat dalam bentuk bantuan kewangan kepada keluarga anda apabila anda meninggal dunia. Ia adalah skim caruman kewangan yang memerlukan komitmen anda untuk membayar secara bulanan/ tahunan.

Pembayaran akan dibuat kepada tanggungan anda secara sekaligus selepas kematian anda (untuk perbelanjaan pengebumian, perbelanjaan sara hidup yang berterusan, menyelesaikan hutang anda, untuk pendidikan anak-anak) atau dalam kes jika anda menjadi hilang upaya kekal, maka pembayaran akan disalurkan terus kepada anda.

Manakala Insurans Kesihatan melindungi kos perubatan yang ditanggung akibat penyakit. Dengan peningkatan rawatan perubatan pada masa kini, perbelanjaan ini boleh termasuk bil kemasukan ke hospital, harga farmaseutikal atau yuran perundingan perubatan.

Walau bagaimanapun, tidak semua jenis penyakit akan dilindungi oleh kos rawatan dan ubat oleh syarikat insurans kerana ia bergantung kepada terma dan syarat.

Adakah Saya Perlu Mendapatkan Insurans Kesihatan Tambahan Jika Saya Dilindungi oleh Insurans Faedah Pekerja Syarikat Saya?

Anda MESTI mendapatkan insurans kesihatan anda sendiri. Berikut adalah faktor-faktornya:

1. Had Tahunan Yang Tidak Mencukupi

Perbezaan asas antara insurans kumpulan dan insurans individu adalah had perlindungan. Insurans kesihatan kumpulan sering memberikan had perlindungan yang kurang berbanding insurans individu. Ini dapat menyebabkan dana yang tidak mencukupi untuk menampung perbelanjaan perubatan anda, dan secara langsung terpaksa menggunakan dana anda sendiri.

2. Anda Tidak Mempunyai Pemilikan Ke Atasnya

Perlindungan dan faedah anda tidak boleh diperbaharui. Majikan anda ialah pemilik pelan anda, dan mereka mempunyai kuasa untuk memindanya. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pelan anda mungkin diturunkan, dan anda akan menerima kurang perlindungan dan faedah yang mungkin tidak mencukupi untuk menampung perbelanjaan perubatan anda.

3. Ia Ditentukan Oleh Status Kerja Anda

Faedah pekerja hanya dilindungi oleh polisi insurans jika anda bekerja. Bagaimana jika anda telah berhenti atau ingin berhenti kerja? Insurans dari syarikat anda tidak akan melindungi anda lagi. Jika sesuatu yang tidak dijangka berlaku pada masa itu, anda perlu menampung perbelanjaan perubatan dan mungkin perlu menggunakan wang simpanan anda.

Bilakah Saya Perlu Membeli Insurans Kesihatan?

Anda harus membeli insurans kesihatan sekarang! Ini disebabkan apabila anda bermula lebih awal, kadar premium adalah lebih rendah! Tambahan pula, bermula lebih awal membolehkan anda lebih fleksibel dalam mendapatkan pelan yang lebih lengkap yang memenuhi keperluan dan bajet anda. Ia juga membantu dalam mendapat bantuan awal apabila anda mengalami gangguan gaya hidup seperti penyakit jantung, strok, tekanan darah tinggi dan kencing manis.

Apakah Faktor Yang Perlu Dipertimbangkan Sebelum Membeli Insurans Kesihatan?

Berikut ialah soalan paling kritikal untuk ditanya kepada pembekal insurans sebelum membeli satu untuk diri sendiri atau keluarga anda:

  • Apakah yang termasuk dalam polisi anda?
  • Apakah penyakit/kecederaan yang dilindungi oleh polisi anda?
  • Bagaimanakah prosedur tuntutan berjalan?
  • Berapa lamakah tempoh menunggu?
  • Apakah had tahunan anda?
  • Adakah ia akan meliputi keadaan sedia ada anda?
  • Di manakah anda boleh mencari senarai hospital/klinik panel?
  • Adakah polisi anda pulangan tunai atau polisi tanpa tunai?

Apakah Pengecualian Biasa?

Berikut adalah contoh pengecualian biasa:

  • Penyakit sedia ada
  • Pembedahan kosmetik
  • Pergigian/penglihatan/pendengaran
  • Bersalin
  • Kesihatan mental
  • Preskripsi untuk penjagaan pesakit luar

Apakah jenis polisi insurans kesihatan?

Terdapat pelbagai jenis perlindungan insurans kesihatan, termasuk:

  • Insurans Kemasukan Ke Hospital Dan Pembedahan
  • Insurans Penyakit Kritikal
  • Insurans Penjagaan Jangka Panjang
  • Insurans Kesihatan Yang Komprehensif
  • Insurans Pendapatan Hilang Upaya
  • Insurans Pendapatan Hospital

Adakah Pemeriksaan Perubatan Diperlukan di Malaysia Sebelum Membeli Insurans Kesihatan?

Sesetengah firma insurans memerlukan penilaian perubatan sebelum menjual insurans kesihatan di Malaysia, manakala yang lain tidak. Semak dengan syarikat insurans yang anda inginkan untuk pengesahan.

Adakah Perlindungan Saya Akan Dibatalkan Jika Saya Tidak Memperbaharui Tepat Pada Masanya?

Polisi anda sememangnya akan tamat tempoh. Akibatnya, adalah lebih baik untuk memperbaharui polisi anda tepat pada masanya untuk menjamin bahawa anda dilindungi secukupnya. Perbaharui polisi anda bersama Fatberry untuk memudahkan proses pembaharuan anda!

Di Manakah Saya Boleh Memperbaharui Polisi Insurans Saya?

Anda boleh memperbaharui perlindungan anda melalui laman web syarikat insurans anda, melalui laman web ejen anda, atau melalui laman web kami.


Memandangkan kos perubatan semakin meningkat, ia adalah sangat penting untuk anda membuat persediaan awal untuk sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini. Anda mungkin berada dalam keadaan sihat sekarang tetapi tiada jaminan bahawa anda akan kekal sihat pada masa hadapan.

Insurans kesihatan akan membantu melindungi kesihatan dan kewangan anda. Pertimbangkan semua perkara penting sebelum membeli sebarang insurans kesihatan. Untuk maklumat lanjut, anda juga boleh berunding dengan kami di Fatberry untuk mendapatkan nasihat profesional dan tidak berat sebelah. Selain itu, Fatberry juga menawarkan pelbagai insurans seperti insurans kereta dan insurans perjalanan.


Fatberry adalah platform yang menawarkan insuran-insuran yang terbaik dalam talian. Anda boleh memilih dari pelbagai jenis insuran daripada harga yang terendah! Jenis-jenis insuran yang ditawarkan di dalam laman sesawang Fatberry adalah insuran kereta, motor, kesihatan, pelancongan dan akan datang, insuran denggi.



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Best Medical Insurance in Malaysia (2023)

Best Medical Insurance in Malaysia (2023)

Best Medical Insurance in Malaysia

What is Medical Insurance?

Medical insurance is insurance usually intended to cover the expense of private medical care, including hospitalisation and healthcare services. It is also an insurance that provides you coverage if you are found to have a covered sickness or have been in an accident.

It is a legal agreement between a policyholder and the insurance provider that pays for potential medical costs. Premium payment needs to be made to the insurance provider so that they will cover some or all of your medical costs during injury, illness or accident.

Why Do I Need Medical Insurance?

Medical insurance is crucial for several reasons and they will be explained in this section in detail.

1. Rising Medical Costs

With an unstable economy and increasing prices for basic needs of life, medical costs are increasing every year. As a result, customers who experience medical emergencies wind up using their savings.

This has an impact on their future plans. Medical insurance will certainly be handy to help you overcome situations like these.

2. Attain Peace of Mind

There are hundreds of things for us to worry about living in this world, you can take away medical bills as something that will disturb your peaceful sleep at night with the help of medical insurance! You should not be concerned about things like how much something costs or where you can afford to go with the existence of medical insurance. Medical insurance can easily safeguard you in the case of an emergency.

3. Enjoy Extra Benefits

Each and every provider of medical insurance will provide you with a few essential benefits. Some of the benefits include discounts for family, coverage for pre-existing conditions, direct billing for inpatient and outpatient care without cash and instalment payments.

Top 5 Medical Insurance in Malaysia

1. RHB Medical Insurance

The provider of the best medical insurance in Malaysia without a doubt is RHB, which provides a wide range of insurance products. As of the year 2023, they offer 4 medical insurance plans which are MediSure Supreme Insurance, Critical Guard Insurance, MediSure Insurance and RHB Critical Shield Insurance. Their benefits are as follows:-

  • MediSure Supreme Insurance: High overall annual and lifetime limit from RM100,000 to RM 2 million, enter and exit with ease, lifelong medical protection, underwriting-free upgrade, no co-payment, extend your protection range and deductible options for more savings.
  • Critical Guard Insurance: Suitable for any budget, critical Illness benefits, up to 10% loyalty benefits, additional payouts up to RM300,000 and coverage from newborn and beyond.
  • MediSure Insurance: Guaranteed renewal up to RM450,000, cashless admission, flexible savings and income tax relief.
  • RHB Critical Shield Insurance: critical benefits for 36 illnesses, up to 50% loyalty benefits and additional 10% payout.

To learn more about RHB medical insurance you can always visit our website!

2. Great Eastern Medical Insurance

Great Eastern also gives the best medical insurance in Malaysia as you can easily acquire the healthcare you need while preserving your finances. They offer 2 comprehensive medical insurance and 2 basic medical insurance.

Comprehensive Medical Insurance:-

  • A-Plus Total Health: A total medical protection, health wallet up to 10 times with no claims, option to pay less (deductible amount of RM500 or RM10,000), family boost, personal medical case management benefit and full coverage for Covid-19.
  • A-Plus Health: A total medical protection, health wallet up to 10 times with no claims, option to pay less (deductible amount of RM300 or RM20,000), healthy rewards for staying healthy and full coverage for Covid-19.

Basic Medical Insurance:-

  • A-Life Med Regular: Lifelong medical protection, no lifetime limit for claims, different coverage options, zero deductible charges and full coverage for Covid-19.
  • A-Life Medik Famili: Family plan, lifelong medical protection, no lifetime limit for claims, surplus and full coverage for Covid-19.

They also provide add-ons under their medical insurance such as A-Plus Health Booster, A-Plus Recover, A-Plus Recover-i, A-Plus BabyCare Xtra, A-Plus BabyCare Xtra-i and A-Plus Hospital Income. You can learn more about all these add ons at the official Great Eastern website page!

3. Allianz Medical Insurance

Founded in 1890 and serving over 100 million clients globally, Allianz Malaysia Berhad certainly is one of the providers that offers best medical insurance in Malaysia. They have 5 options under their medical and hospitalisation insurance.

  • Allianz Diabetic Essential: 4 medical plans are available, benefits of annual health screening and benefit from annual premium savings.
  • HealthInsured: There is no overall life limit, high annual overall limit and option for a flexible deductible.
  • MediAdvantage: Benefit of receiving medical care overseas, additional medical advice and seamless encounter.
  • Allianz i-HospitalCash: Daily financial benefit after being hospitalised, double cash benefit for hospitalisation abroad and bonus for no claims upon maturity.
  • Allianz MediCure: 5 medical plans are available, plans with 5 optional deductibles, available for both single and multiple insured people.

4. Generali Medical Insurance

Generali Malaysia is also another provider that provides the best medical insurance in Malaysia as it is Malaysia’s top digital life insurer. The medical insurance they offer is called eMedic Plus. The benefits this plan offers are as below:-

  • eMedic Plus: Auto-increase of annual limit, no claim rewards up to RM60 per policy year, get 5% off if you choose the family plan, up to RM150 daily hospital allowance and paying as low as RM33 every month.

5. Takaful Medical Insurance

Striving to be the customer’s first choice since 1984, Takaful Malaysia certainly falls under the category of providers that give the best medical insurance in Malaysia. They provide Takaful myClick MediCare which is a personal health insurance policy that covers legitimate medical costs up to the annual maximum.

  • Takaful myClick MediCare: Complete inpatient and outpatient benefits coverage (up to RM100,000 annual protection), there will be no co-payment even if you upgrade your Room and Board (R&B), there will be no lifetime limit until the age of 85 and all hospitalisation treatments are covered.


Medical insurance needs to be taken by all of us because health is what keeps us going in our life. In order for you to do that, take a look at Fatberry which is an online platform that offers a wide range of insurance options for you at the cheapest price! You can select the insurance brands and plans that best suit your needs and expectations!


Fatberry is a comprehensive platform with a wide range of medical insurance in Malaysia where you can buy your preferred car insurance online instantly. You can choose from the available insurance brands and select the plans that suit your needs as well as requirements.

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Best Medical Card in Malaysia (2023)

Best Medical Card in Malaysia (2023)

Best Medical Card in Malaysia

What is a Medical Card?

Do you have no health coverage? Begin with a Medical Card. A medical card is a form of insurance that pays for medical procedures or hospitalisation. Everyone needs a medical card because big medical expenses can ruin or place you in debt if you are not properly covered. Medical insurance coverage will assist in covering the expenses of medical treatment or hospitalisation.

Find the most affordable insurance quotes online. Purchase in 3 minutes. Only at Fatberry can you choose from the 16 top leading insurance companies that provide the best medical card in Malaysia.

Why Do I Need a Medical Card?

Having a medical card provides peace of mind. There are a few compelling reasons why having a medical card is essential.

Provide family protection
When looking for the best medical card in Malaysia, you can choose to cover your complete family under one policy rather than purchasing different policies. Consider your elderly parents, who are prone to sickness, as well as your reliant children. If you have adequate health insurance, you will not have to worry about ensuring that they receive the finest medical care possible. Thoroughly research, consult with specialists for an unbiased opinion, and ensure you get a plan that offers all-around coverage for you and your family.

Uncertainties in Life
Most of us are looking for insurance or medical cards due to the nature of life and we do not know what will happen in the next second. One never knows when a life-threatening sickness or event is just around the corner and could change their entire way of living because of the uncertainties of life and the increase in lifestyle diseases. Therefore, it is ideal to be ready with sufficient covering when something unforeseen occurs.

Top 5 Medical Cards in Malaysia

There are a lot of medical cards available in Malaysia and everyone is looking to find the best medical card in Malaysia. If you’re looking to get a medical card to enjoy the benefits that come with owning a medical card, we’ve got you covered! We present to you a list of the Top 5 Medical Cards in Malaysia.

1. RHB Medical Cards

For you and your family, the RHB medical card offers dependable medical bill settlement. It also offers the cheapest medical card in Malaysia. The MediSure Supreme Medical Card covers hospitalisation and surgery costs incurred as a result of specified mishaps or diseases. This medical insurance offers several options to choose from, as well as the option to add additional coverage to suit your needs.

They also provide yearly fees for you, so you won’t have to worry about overspending because it will not raise your monthly expenses. There are additional benefits provided such as you may recover up to RM 100,000, you are given 15 days to withdraw. Get a reimbursement and you will have access to medical lodging for up to 200 days!

To learn more about medical card coverage and the additional benefits that you can enjoy by taking the best medical card in Malaysia, you can always check out the blog in Fatberry that explains the RHB Medical Card in detail and how to claim the medical card!

2. AIA Medical Cards

AIA medical cards also offer the best medical card in Malaysia. There are several medical cards offered in AIA. They are as follows:

  • A-Plus Total Health Takaful – A Takaful health plan that offers complete medical coverage for you and your family.
  • A-Plus Health – Offers a comprehensive answer for your full healthcare journey.
  • A-Plus Recover – The supplement you require for improved health defence.
  • A-Plus Health Booster – This is a medical option for A-Life Med Regular that enhances your medical security and awards you for having a healthy lifestyle.
  • A-Life Medik Family – Covers the medical requirements of you and your family with a reasonably priced medical card.
  • A-Life Med Regular – Covers your own medical needs with a medical card that has no lifetime limit.
  • A-Plus MedCare – Medical card plan that supports your medical choices and journey with Personal Medical Case Management (PMCM).
  • A-Plus BabyCare Xtra & A-Plus BabyCare Xtra-i – Pregnant mothers will get a secured medical plan during their pregnancy and the early years of their infant.
  • A-Plus Hospital Income & A-Plus Hospital Income – This medical plan offers you cash assistance when you are hospitalised.

3. Hong Leong Assurance

Hong Leong Assurance offers the best medical card in Malaysia with a complete health care plan at an affordable price. There are four options to choose from, with premiums based on age categories (HLA Major Medi II, HLA MedGlobal IV Plus, HLA MediShield III Rider and HLA Premier HB). There are additional benefits given such as daily cash due to hospitalisation as a consequence of traffic incidents on a Malaysian highway, a daily monetary stipend for each day spent in a government hospital, and cancer and dialysis treatment in the outpatient setting.

*These services are not guaranteed benefits and the availability of these services will be reviewed from time to time.

4. MCIS Insurance

MCIS provides MaxHealth which is an independent plan that provides complete medical care, ensuring that you always have peace of mind. With 5 tiers of coverage to choose from, MCIS deserves to be on the list of the best medical card in Malaysia. It is flexible and tailored to your requirements and provides easy hospital admittance. Furthermore, MaxHealth plan offers reimbursement for unconventional therapies such as chiropractic, chiropody, homoeopathy, and osteopathy.

5. Kurnia Medical Cards

Kurnia medical card also has the reputation of being the best medical card in Malaysia. They provide four different medical cards for you and they are as follows:

  • MediGUARD Supreme – Kurnia mediGUARD Supreme provides you with a lifetime medical security up to the age of 85! Choose from six carefully constructed options designed to give you the freedom to live your senior years with total peace of mind.
  • MediGUARD Premier – Kurnia mediGUARD Premier covers virtually all medicinal requirements. It offers comprehensive covering, including hospitalisation, surgical, and out-patient insurance.
  • MediGUARD Family – Kurnia mediGUARD Family is a family medical insurance package that includes in-patient, outpatient benefits.
  • MediGUARD Lady – Kurnia mediGUARD Lady is a complete medical insurance plan designed specifically for women, with covering for specific conditions such as pregnancy problems and maternity accidents.It also provides the standard hospitalisation and surgery perks, as well as out-patient care.

Medical Card in Malaysia – Common FAQs

1. Who is eligible for Medical Card coverage?

Medical Cards can cover children and adults, from the age of 14 days to 70 years (by standard) but it can also go higher depending on the medical plan you’ve chosen.

2. What are the factors that influence the cost of a medical card?

Some of the factors that influence the cost of a medical card are age, past medical history, occupation, policy duration, body mass index (BMI) and geographical location.

3. Is a Medical Card the same as Critical Illness Insurance?

Medical Card and Critical Illness Protection are not the same thing. Critical illness insurance/takaful plans give you a fixed quantity of money that you can use however you want, such as to pay your premiums, travel for therapies, or simply to keep up with your monthly expenditures. Medical Protection, on the other hand, pays for any medical care that you may require.


Medical cards are essential for all individuals as it gives security that every human being needs in their life because it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Check out Fatberry to fulfil your crucial need for medical cards. Fatberry is an extensive site with a wide variety of insurance in Malaysia where you can purchase your preferred insurance online immediately. You can select from the available insurance companies and policies that best fit your wants and requirements.


Fatberry is a comprehensive platform with a wide range of car insurance in Malaysia where you can buy your preferred car insurance online instantly. You can choose from the available insurance brands and select the plans that suit your needs as well as requirements.

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RHB Insurance Medical Card: Learn More Here!

RHB Insurance Medical Card: Learn More Here!

RHB Insurance Medical Card

Have you ever dreamed of living a long healthy life with your loved ones? We believe that is what everyone wants, imagine spending wonderful time together and being able to move wherever you want without having a worry about your health care.

This is the sign for you to get that kind of life, a sign for you to get RHB insurance medical card to protect you in your life journey!

What is the RHB Insurance MediSure Supreme Medical Card?

RHB medical card provides trustable and affordable medical bill payments for you and your family. The MediSure Supreme medical card provides hospitalisation and surgical expenses caused by accidents or illnesses covered under the policy.

This medical insurance has several plans that you choose from and you will have the chance to add any other coverage according to your liking. Not forgetting that we offer annual premiums for you so you won’t have to worry about spending too much as it won’t increase your monthly expenditure.

RHB Insurance Medical Card: Coverage

Below is the list of what type of claim you could take and how much you could claim for your medical bills:

Annual Limit from RM100k up to RM1m
Lifetime Limit No limit for Plan 1, Plan 2, & Plan 3 up to RM5,000,000
Pre-Hospitalisation Diagnostic Tests As charged within 60 days before hospitalisation
Room & Board from RM150 up to RM550
up to 200 days, per disability
Surgical Fees As charged
Pre-Hospitalisation Consultation As charged within 60 days before hospitalisation
Second Medical Opinion As charged within 60 days before hospitalisation
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) As charged up to 200 days per disability
Hospital Services and Supplies As charged
Anaesthetist Fees As charged
Operating Theatre Fees As charged
In-Hospital Physician Visits As charged up to 200 days and max 2 visits per day
Post-Hospitalisation Treatment As charged
within 60 days after discharge
Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Treatment As charged
per year
Outpatient Cancer Treatment As charged
per year
Physiotherapy As charged
within 90 days from discharge
Organ Transplant As charged
once per lifetime
Emergency Accidental Outpatient Treatment

As charged within 24 hours and follow-up treatment up to 60 days

Ambulance Fees As charged
Cash Allowance at Government Hospital from RM50 up to RM150
per day up to 200 days
Insured Child Guardian Benefit from RM90 up to RM200
per day up to 200 days
Home Nursing Care from RM1k up to RM20k
optional benefit
Medical Report Fee As charged

RHB Insurance Medical Card: Additional Benefits

We are not only covering the essentials, we also have additional benefits for you!

1. You are allowed to make deductible up to RM 100,000

2. You are allowed to make a cancellation refund within 15 days

3. You will be able to enjoy hospital accommodation for up to 200 days

How To Claim RHB Medical Insurance?

Don’t worry about the hassle process of claiming your medical insurance because here at RHB, it is so much easier to claim your medical insurance!

1. Contact RHB at 03-2180 3030 or send an email to within 30 days and inform every detail of the incident. It is important for you to tell us every single piece of information as we would like to assist you in the best way possible.

2. Fill up and prepare the following documents for claim submission:
a. Claim form
b. Medical report
c. Original medical bills and receipts
d. Post-mortem report (if applicable)

3. Bring your documents and submit them to your nearest RHB branch or you can submit the documents to your appointed agent.

4. You are done! We will keep you updated on your claim status as soon as possible.

Frequent Ask Questions (FAQ) About RHB Insurance Medical Card

1. Is it okay to change my RHB Insurance medical insurance plan?

Yes definitely! You can contact your appointed agent to change your insurance plan.

2. Does RHB Insurance pay my medical claim on a cashless or reimbursement basis?

Usually, RHB Insurance will pay your medical bills on a cashless basis unless it is under certain circumstances such as type of plans, exclusions under policy terms, or admission to non-panel hospitals, we will pay you on a reimbursement basis.

3. Is it okay if I pay for RHB Insurance medical insurance on an installment basis?

No, RHB medical insurance can only be paid annually.

4. What are the methods of payment available for RHB medical insurance?

You can pay your RHB medical insurance using:
a. JomPay
b. Online banking
c. Branch office counter
d. Debit card
e. Credit card

5. Will my RHB medical insurance plan expire if I do not renew it on time?

Your RHB medical insurance plan will expire if you don’t pay it on time.


Fatberry is a comprehensive platform with a wide range of insurance in Malaysia where you can buy your preferred insurance online instantly. You can choose from the available insurance brands and select the plans that suit your needs as well as requirements.

*The content provided is for informational purposes only. Fatberry makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. Should you require more information on our products, please refer to or contact us. 


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RHB Medical Insurance FAQ

RHB Medical Insurance FAQ

What is Medical Insurance?
Medical Insurance provides for hospitalization and surgical expenses incurred due to accidents or illnesses covered under the policy.

How does renewal work?
The policy is renewable at the option of the Policyholder. If there is no claim incurred in the first year of policy inception, we will not impose any exclusion upon you on the subsequent renewal in the later years. The renewal premiums payable is not guaranteed and it is subject to age banding and portfolio premium revision. If there are claims incurred within the first year of policy inception, you would still qualify for the renewal, subject to exclusions or premium increases.

Who is eligible?
The policy shall cover eligible persons between the age of 30 days to 70 years, renewable up to 100 years. Your policy may cover your spouse and dependent children subject to the following:
i. A legally married spouse aged below 70 years old at the time of first inclusion. Once included, the spouse may continue to be included up to the age of 100 years.
ii. Unmarried children between 30 days and 19 years old. For dependent children who are full-time students of institutions of higher education, the age limit is 23 years old.

What are the cover / benefits?
1) Hospital Room & Board (up to 200 days)
2) Intensive Care Unit (Up to 200 days)
3) Hospital Supplies & Services
4) Operating Theatre

1) Pre-Hospital Diagnostics Test (incl Medicines / Drugs)
2) Pre-Hospital Specialist Consultant (incl Medicines / Drugs)
3) Second Surgical Opinion (incl Medicines / Drugs)
4) Surgical Fees
5) Anesthetist’s Fees
6) In-Hospital Physician Visit
7) Post-Hospitalization Treatment
8) Organ Transplant

1) Emergency Accident Out-Patient Treatment
2) Out-Patient Physiotherapy Treatment
3) Annual Out-Patient Kidney Dialysis Treatment
4) Annual Out-Patient Cancer Treatment

1) Protheses / Wheelchair Benefit
2) Home Nursing Care
3) Daily Cash Allowance at Government Hospital
4) Insured Child’s aily Guardian Benefit
5) Ambulance Fees
6) Medical Report Fees
7) Blood & Plasma
8) ID Band & Registration Fees”

Is this a Non-Cashless or Cashless Plan?
This is a Cashless Plan. You will be given a Medical card to facilitate admission to panel hospitals without the need to pay upfront

What is a Deductible Programme?
This option allows you to pay a fraction of the entire annual premium but you need to settle the first RM5,000, RM10,000, RM20,000, RM30,000, RM50,000 or RM100,000 (as per your choice) of eligible expenses on your medical bills. This benefit is especially good if you already have a Hospitalisation and Surgical Insurance policy.

How long is the waiting period?
The eligibility for benefits under the policy will only start 30 days after the Effective Date of the Policy.

Claims Procedure
In the event of cashless admission, kindly contact Asia Assistance at 03–7628 3777 or 03–7841 5777. In the event of claims, kindly contact RHB Insurance

Importance of Keeping the Official Receipt Claims Procedure
After the premium has been paid, please make sure you have been given an Official Receipt as a proof of payment. You are strongly advised to keep the Official Receipt for any future references.

What are the major exclusions under this policy?
a) Pre-existing illness
b) Specified illness occurring during the first 120 days of continuous cover. (Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Cardiovascular disease, Tumours, Cancers, Cysts, Nodules, Polyps, Stones of in the urinary and biliary system, Ear, Nose (including sinuses) and Throat conditions, Hernias, Haemorrhoids, Fistulae, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Endometriosis including disease of the Reproduction system, Vertebro-spinal disorders (including disc) and Knee conditions.)
c) Any medical or physical conditions arising within the first 30 days of the Insured Person’s cover or date of reinstatement whichever is latest except for accidental injuries.
d) Plastic/Cosmetic surgery, circumcision, eye examination, glasses and refraction or surgical correction of nearsightedness (Radial Keratotomy) and the use or acquisition of external prosthetic appliances or devices such as artificial limbs, hearing aids, implanted pacemakers and prescriptions thereof.
e) Dental conditions including dental treatment or oral surgery except as necessitated by Accidental injuries to sound natural teeth occurring wholly during the Period of Insurance
f) Private nursing, rest cures or sanitaria care, illegal drugs, intoxication, sterilization, venereal disease and its sequelae, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or ARC (AIDS Related Complex) and HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) related diseases except the infection of HIV arose as a result of blood transfusion, and any communicable diseases requiring quarantine by law.
g) Any treatment or surgical operation for congenital abnormalities or deformities including hereditary conditions
h) Pregnancy, childbirth (including surgical delivery), miscarriage, abortion and prenatal or postnatal care and surgical, mechanical or chemical contraceptive methods of birth control or treatment pertaining to infertility. Erectile dysfunction and tests or treatment related to impotence or Sterilization.
i) Hospitalization primarily for investigatory purposes, diagnosis, X-ray examination, general physical or medical examinations, not incidental to treatment or diagnosis of a covered Disability or any treatment which is not Medically Necessary and any preventive treatments, preventive medicines or examinations carried out by a Physician, and treatments specifically for weight reduction or gain.
j) Suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane or insane.
k) War or any act of war, declared or undeclared, criminal or terrorist activities, active duty in any armed forces, direct participation in strikes, riots and civil commotion or insurrection.
l) Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or nuclear waste from the process of nuclear fission or from any nuclear weapons material
m) Expenses incurred for the donation of any body organ by an Insured Person and costs of acquisition of the organ including all costs incurred by the donor during organ transplant and its complications.
n) Investigation and treatment of sleep and snoring disorders, hormone replacement therapy and alternative therapy such as treatment, medical service or supplies, including but not limited to chiropractic services, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, bone setting, herbalist treatment, massage or aromatherapy or other alternative treatment.
o) Care or treatment for which payment is not required or to the extent which is payable by any other insurance or indemnity covering the Insured and Disabilities arising out of duties of employment or profession that is covered under a Workman’s Compensation Insurance Contract.
p) Psychotic, mental, or nervous disorders, (including any neuroses and their physiological or psychosomatic manifestations)
q) Cost/expenses of services of a non-medical nature, such as television, telephones, telex services, radios or similar facilities, admission kit/pack and other ineligible non-medical items.
r) Sickness or Injuring arising from racing of any kind (except foot racing), hazardous sports such as but not limited to skydiving, water skiing, underwater activities requiring breathing apparatus, winter sports, professional sports and illegal activities.
s) Private flying other than as a fare-paying passenger in any commercial scheduled airlines licensed to carry passengers over established routes.
t) Expenses incurred for sex changes
Note: This is non-exhaustive. Please refer to policy documents for full details

Can I cancel my policy?
You may cancel your policy by giving a written notice to the insurance company. Upon cancellation, you are entitled to a partial refund of the premium provided that you have not made a claim on the policy.

Period not Exceeding Refund of Annual Premium
15 days (applicable to renewal only) 90%
1 month 80%
2 months 70%
3 months 60%
4 months 50%
5 months 40%
6 months 30%
7 months 25%
8 months 20%
9 months 15%
10 months 10%
11 months 5%
Period exceeding 11 months No refund

What do I need to do if there are changes to my contact details?
It is important that you inform us of any changes in your contact details to ensure all correspondence reaches you in a timely manner. You can reach us at or +6011 2612 8112